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- Collection: I. Frank Lees Photograph Collection
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Sweeney’s Market, State Street and Plum Street
Date: 1919
Pictured are Mr. Sweeney, Edgar Worrall, Mr. Ward, and Hap[?] Lindsay.
Media Terminal Market, southeast corner, State and Plum streets
Date: 1938 (circa)
Caption on reverse: Media's Terminal Market, southeast corner of State and Plum streets. Media Post Office once at this location.
John Abernathy, owner, Media Terminal Market, southeast corner, State and Plum streets
Date: 1935-1945
The market stood at the southeast corner of State and Plum streets.
W. G. Hough’s Cash Grocery, 102 W. State Street
Address: 102 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1900 (circa)
Shopkeepers and a boy posing outside the shop. Copy of original photo; source not noted
Miss Alice Pennock, Western Union Company telegraph office.
Address: 200 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1914
Miss Pennock became Mrs. Matthew C. Fox in 1914, and left her job with Western Union after nine years. A letter to Miss Pennock, dated May 8, 1914, from the Chester Office of Western Union, expresses "the Company's appreciation of your work in…
J. D. Pierson’s Livery, Boarding and Sales Stables
Address: 311 W. Baltimore Ave., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1900 (circa)
This business was located on the north side of Baltimore Avenue between Orange Street and South Avenue. Also in picture is a horse-drawn wagon with the sign: "Ingram Bros. Wagon Builders"
J. D. Pierson’s Livery, Boarding and Sales Stables
Address: 311 W. Baltimore Ave., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1901 (circa)
This business was located on the north side of Baltimore Avenue between Orange Street and South Avenue.
Raising flag that flew over the U. S. Capitol, in front of former World War II veterans memorial plaque, Borough Hall, northwest corner of State and Jackson streets
Address: 2 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1969 (circa)
Date is based on the vacant lot where the old Borough Hall stood. The building was torn down in 1969. View also shows "B. Gross, Outfitters for Men."
Presenting flag that flew over the U. S. Capitol to Robert Mickle, Mayor of Media
Address: 2 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1969 (circa)
The Mayor is being interviewed by a woman from WEEZ, probably a local radio station.
Raising Christmas tree on South Avenue (now Veteran's Square).
Date: 1945-1955
View shows Media Typewriter Service sign
Arnold Lampert at Santa Claus Headquarters, 33 W. State Street
Address: 33 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1945-1955
Judging a Halloween parade
Location: Media (Pa.)
Date: 1950 (circa)
Frank Lees identified Marion Redlow on left, and Bill Price on right.
Media officials accepting award from American Automobile Association (AAA)
Location: Media (Pa.)
Date: 1962-07-10
Left to right: Paul Clark, Weldon Heyburn, Gus Houtman, Frank Wiltshire, mayor of Media; and Carl Jones. Award is a 1961 "Pedestrian Safety Citation."
Looking west on Front Street from Monroe Street
Date: 1905 (circa)
Olive Street looking north from Front Street
Date: 1918 (circa)
Mrs. Erskine at "The Nook," 29 E. State Street
Address: 29 E. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1929 (circa)
A small diner or restaurant with a candy counter and soda fountain.
Jefferis Drugs, 4 W. State Street
Address: 4 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1972
This building originally housed P. W. Ware Plumbing. See AP-5171-2. Frank Lees caption: "This building was built by Preston W. Ware in 1896 for his plumbing, beating, and tin smelting business. Mr. Ware started in business at the southwest corner of…
Mr. Lester Lines in front of his Lines Motor Co., 216 E. State Street
Address: 216 E. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1948 (circa)
Pearl Street between Orange and Lemon streets, looking west
Address: 300 W. Pearl St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1972
No similar buildings now exist on this block; many small buildings along this stretch were torn down to make parking lots and parking spaces.