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  • Collection: I. Frank Lees Photograph Collection
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J. D. Pierson’s Livery, Boarding and Sales Stables
Date: 1900 (circa)
This business was located on the north side of Baltimore Avenue between Orange Street and South Avenue. Also in picture is a horse-drawn wagon with the sign: "Ingram Bros. Wagon Builders"

J. D. Pierson’s Livery, Boarding and Sales Stables
Date: 1901 (circa)
This business was located on the north side of Baltimore Avenue between Orange Street and South Avenue.

J. Nelson Rigby Funeral Home
Date: 1972-05-07
Caption sheet in folder says this "former residence of Mrs. Thompson" was "built on property once owned by Isaac Worrall."

Jackson Day Dinner, Chester Pa., 1916
Date: 1916-01-10
According to a front-page story in the Chester Times on January 11, 1916, this event, held January 10 in the Masonic Hall at 4th and Market streets, was a tribute by the local Democratic party to Andrew Jackson.

Jacob Wendell 50th wedding anniversary, copy of photograph.
Location: Unknown
Date: 1900 (circa)
Donated by Robert M. Allam. See P-14013A for explanation. The relation of this photograph to Clyde Allam and the Allam family is unknown. Photograph marked "Studio of H. Parker Rolfe, 1305-07 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa." The negative seems to be a…

James J. Skelly
Location: Media (Pa.)
Date: 1961 (circa)
Skelly was founder of James J. Skelly Co., a general contracting and road building firm once located in Media. See ad in Centennial Book, page 81, for a history of the firm up to 1950, and a photograph of Skelly with his two sons, Joseph J. and J.…

James T. Sweeney
Location: Upland (Pa.)
Date: 1900 (circa)

James T. Sweeney and bakery wagon
Location: Upland (Pa.)
Date: 1900 (circa)
Wagon reads: J. T. Sweeney, Bakery, Upland, PA. (A search of Chester Times online records confirm that this bakery was in Upland, on Upland Avenue.)

Jefferis Drugs, 4 W. State Street
Date: 1972
This building originally housed P. W. Ware Plumbing. See AP-5171-2. Frank Lees caption: "This building was built by Preston W. Ware in 1896 for his plumbing, beating, and tin smelting business. Mr. Ware started in business at the southwest corner of…

John Abernathy, owner, Media Terminal Market, southeast corner, State and Plum streets
Date: 1935-1945
The market stood at the southeast corner of State and Plum streets.

John H. Tipping (right) shaking hands with unidentified U.S. Army captain
Location: Media (Pa.)
Date: 1960 (circa)
Official U.S. Army Photograph. The special citation between the two men, from the American Automobile Association honoring Media, Pennsylvania in 1957 for its "Pedestrian Program Activities," may or may not have anything to do with this photograph.

John H. Tipping and Maude Smedley
Location: Media (Pa.)
Date: 1960 (circa)
It is unclear which woman is Maude.

John Tipping and three unidentified woman
Location: Media (Pa.)
Date: 1950 (circa)
They seem to be holding some kind of meeting. Scan made from 4x 5 inch negative

John Zinn and child
Date: 1921 (circa)
Folder title: Zinn Family, 303 South Avenue, circa 1921

John Zinn and child, 303 South Avenue
Date: 1921 (circa)
Folder title: Zinn Family, 303 South Avenue, circa 1921

John Zinn and child, 303 South Avenue
Date: 1921 (circa)
Folder title: Zinn Family, 303 South Avenue, circa 1921

John Zinn, his father, and his child, 303 South Avenue
Date: 1921 (circa)
Folder title: Zinn Family, 303 South Avenue, circa 1921

John Zinn, wife, and child, 303 South Avenue
Date: 1921 (circa)
Folder title: Zinn Family, 303 South Avenue, circa 1921

Joseph W. Hawley, President, First National Bank of Media 1894-1906
Location: Media (Pa.)
Date: 1900 (circa)
This portrait and others decorated the bank's board room (see P-17026).

Judge E. Leroy van Roden at the Towne House Restaurant
Date: 1960 (circa)
The judge is in the center; the two women are not identified

Judge William Toal (left) and William Taylor, Jr. (right)
Location: Media (Pa.)
Date: 1950-1960
Taylor was a blind lawyer from Media who invented the white can used by blind people. The man and seeing-eye dog in the center are not identified.

Judging a Halloween parade
Location: Media (Pa.)
Date: 1950 (circa)
Frank Lees identified Marion Redlow on left, and Bill Price on right.