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- Collection: I. Frank Lees Photograph Collection
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Concordville, Pa.
Date: 1914 (circa)
Caption on reverse: Concordville, Pa. "The Village," looking westward, from Chester Road. Frank Lees notation indicates this is at the intersection of Baltimore Pike and Concord Road.
Cottage site on Media Park Avenue
Date: 1880 (circa)
Back of card reads: "Thirty minutes by R.R. from Philadelphia. Media and Vicinity. Photographed by Samuel McMullin, Landscape Photographer, No. 1128 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Taken by request of James R. Cummins, Residence, Media, Penna."
Court House, Media [Delaware County Court House]
Date: 1870-1880
Back of card reads: "Thirty minutes by R.R. from Philadelphia. Media and Vicinity. Photographed by Samuel McMullin, Landscape Photographer, No. 1128 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Taken by request of James R. Cummins, Residence, Media, Penna."
Covered bridge carrying Baltimore Pike over Crum Creek
Location: Nether Providence (Pa. : Township)
Date: 1910 (circa)
Caption also calls this the Victoria Plush Mill Bridge. The view is looking east into Springfield. Modern print, probably from glass negative.
Covered bridge carrying Baltimore Pike over Crum Creek
Location: Nether Providence (Pa. : Township)
Date: 1910 (circa)
Caption also calls this the Victoria Plush Mill Bridge. The view is looking east into Springfield. Modern print, probably from glass negative.
Covered bridge carrying Baltimore Pike over Crum Creek
Location: Nether Providence (Pa. : Township)
Date: 1917
Caption also calls this the Victoria Plush Mill Bridge. This view is looking west into Nether Providence A trolley is shown alongside the bridge. Copy of original photo; source not noted.
Covered Bridge over Crum Creek at Palmers Mill
Date: 1920
See other photographs of Palmer's Mill.
Covered bridge over Ridley Creek at Sycamore Mills
Date: 1900 (circa)
Covered Bridge over Ridley Creek at Water Works
Date: 1900 (circa)
On reverse: Property of W. Somers Ford 1909.
Cox's House
Date: 1900 (circa)
Alternate caption: Spindle Mill, Idlewild Lane
Craft’s Livery and Boarding Stables, Baker Street, south side, west of Orange Street. Allen Wood, driver.
Date: 1900 (circa)
The 1882 and 1892 atlases of Delaware County show W. C. Brodhead's Livery stables at this location. The 1910 atlas shows this livery business as Doak's.
Creek at Claymont [Delaware]
Location: Claymont (Del.)
Date: 1915 (circa)
This may be the South Branch of Naaman's Creek. One of eight photographs on two album pages.
Creek Road, along Ridley Creek, near Moylan, Pa. Bruce, Harvey and Ed.
Location: Delaware County (Pa.)
Date: 1908
"Red Ink" photo, series by same photographer named for red ink used for writing descriptions on reverse side of similarly-mounted images. Location uncertain. Same as P-08012B, except wider crop.
Creek Road, along Ridley Creek, near Moylan, Pa. Bruce, Harvey and Ed.
Location: Delaware County (Pa.)
Date: 1908
"Red Ink" photo, series by same photographer named for red ink used for writing descriptions on reverse side of similarly-mounted images. Location uncertain. This photo was entered in The John Wanamaker Exhibition of Photographs by Amateurs, February…
Crum Creek (Beatty Hollow)
Location: Nether Providence (Pa. : Township)
Date: 1908
The title and date are from Frank Lee's writing on envelope. The original photograph had no identification on reverse other than an indication of the lens or film used, and a notation: "Taken against the sun." Address is approximate. Probably Dr.…
Crum Creek Dam, Nether Providence Township
Date: 1900 (circa)
Cutting ice on Palmer's Dam
Date: 1895 (circa)
In the old vernacular, a pond and a dam were synonymous. Palmer's Dam was located on Ridley Creek just north of Baltimore Pike, upstream of the Media Water Works. Copy of original photo; source not noted
Daniel Rice of Rice’s Restaurant
Date: 1880
Tintype of the restauranteur as a boy
David Strode Jefferis, probably in front of Jefferis Drugs, on State Street
Address: 34 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1940 (circa)
DC1. Darby Creek between Pine St. Bridge and B&O Railroad Bridge
Address: 715 Pine St., Darby (Pa.)
Date: 1950-1955
Slide marked 'Duplicate," unsure of orientation. Image may be flipped. Looking toward B & railroad bridge from near Pine Street Bridge. Address is approximate.
DC2. Debris and culm filled area, Darby Creek
Location: Delaware County (Pa.)
Date: 1950-1955
Slide marked 'Duplicate;" unsure of orientation. Image may be flipped. Exact location uncertain.